CPPR Book Club

Join the Center for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (CPPR) book club. We meet periodically throughout the year to discuss books about public health, pandemics and more. Attend one or all of our meetings, held both on Zoom and in person at UCSF Mission Hall.

UCSF welcomes everyone, including people with disabilities, to our events. To request reasonable accommodations for this event, please contact Melissa Paschuck by emailing [email protected] as soon as possible.

Five open books stack on top of each other with the pages of the top book open like a fan.

The next book club meeting will be posted soon. 

Past Books

Endemic: A Post-Pandemic Playbook

From Mayo Clinic Press, Endemic: A Post Pandemic Playbook by Monica Gandhi, MD.

Book Description: 

Discover a roadmap to coexisting with new respiratory diseases and their variants using reason, science, courage, and compassion. This approach acknowledges that eradicating these viruses may be challenging, but controlling them is possible. By utilizing existing tools, we can coexist with these viruses without disrupting society. (Excerpt from Amazon)

Book Author: 

Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH is a professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief (Clinical Operations/ Education) of the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at UCSF/ San Francisco General Hospital. 

Book Club Facilitator:

Dr. Monica Gandhi (Author)
