Ali Mirzazadeh

Ali Mirzazadeh, PhD, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor
+1 415 476-5821

Cannabis Dependence Among Georgian Small-Scale Cannabis Growers: Results of a Cross-Sectional Online Survey.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Mgebrishvili T, Kirtadze I, Mirzazadeh A, Otiashvili D

Barriers and facilitators of HIV partner status notification in low- and lower-middle-income countries: A mixed-methods systematic review.

BMC infectious diseases

Tavakoli F, Karamouzian M, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A, Dehghan M, Bazrafshani MS, Bazrafshan A, Sharifi H

Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccination and Related Factors Among People who Inject Drugs, San Francisco, 2022.

AIDS and behavior

Sadaat SI, Marr A, Mirzazadeh A, Suprasert B, Tate M, Wilson E, McFarland W

Facilitators and barriers of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use among four key populations in Iran.

BMC health services research

Moameri H, Shahrbabaki PM, Tavakoli F, Saberi P, Mirzazadeh A, Goudarzi R, Sharifi H

Strengths and Weaknesses of HIV Partner Notification Implementation in Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Tavakoli F, Dehghan M, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A, Gouya MM, Farhoudi B, Khezri M, Sharifi H

Correction: Non-injection drug use among incarcerated people in Iran: Findings from three consecutive national bio-behavioral surveys.

Harm reduction journal

Rafiee M, Karamouzian M, Sharifi M, Mirzazadeh A, Khezri M, Haghdoost AA, Mehmandoost S, Sharifi H

Non-injection drug use among incarcerated people in Iran: Findings from three consecutive national bio-behavioral surveys.

Harm reduction journal

Rafiee M, Karamouzian M, Sharifi M, Mirzazadeh A, Khezri M, Haghdoost AA, Mehmandoost S, Sharifi H

Correlates of viral suppression among sexual minority men and transgender women living with HIV in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

PLOS global public health

Gyamerah AO, Marr A, Maleke K, Manyuchi AE, Mirzazadeh A, Radebe O, Lane T, Puren A, Steward WT, Struthers H, Lippman SA

A Major Gap Between the Knowledge and Practice of Mothers Towards Early Initiation and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Afghanistan in 2021.

Maternal and child health journal

Rahmani FA, Hamdam P, Sadaat I, Mirzazadeh A, Oliolo J, Naqvi N

A qualitative study exploring approaches, barriers, and facilitators of the HIV partner notification program in Kerman, Iran.

BMC health services research

Tavakoli F, Dehghan M, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A, Gouya MM, Sharifi H

Comparison of safety and effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy regimens among pregnant women living with HIV at preconception or during pregnancy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized trials.

BMC infectious diseases

Mehrabi F, Karamouzian M, Farhoudi B, Moradi Falah Langeroodi S, Mehmandoost S, Abbaszadeh S, Motaghi S, Mirzazadeh A, Sadeghirad B, Sharifi H

Uptake of Human Papilloma Virus vaccine among young women living in fishing communities in Wakiso and Mukono districts, Uganda.

PLOS global public health

Laban M, Nanyonjo G, Wambuzi M, Ssetaala A, Basalirwa G, Muramuzi D, Lugemwa JK, Okech B, Mirzazadeh A

Prevalence of acquired and transmitted HIV drug resistance in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

BMC infectious diseases

Mirzaei H, Eybpoosh S, Mehrabi F, Shojaei MR, Mirzazadeh A, Khezri M, Nasiri N, Sharifi H

A Cascade Analysis of Community Transmission Risks for HIV among People Who Inject Drugs Living with HIV in Iran.

Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES

Faghir-Ganji M, Shokoohi M, Nedjat S, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Yazdani K, G Khan J, Mirzazadeh A

Injection cessation and relapse to injection and the associated factors among people who inject drugs in Iran: The Rostam study.

Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy

Mehmandoost S, Mirzazadeh A, Karamouzian M, Khezri M, Sharafi H, Shahesmaeili A, Maghsoudi SH, Ghalekhani N, Tavakoli F, Bazrafshani MS, Shokoohi M, Aghaali N, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H

Increase in human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis prevalence and incidence among men who have sex with men, vietnam 2015 - 2020.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Thanh Nguyen HT, Nguyen LT, Thanh Hoang HT, Bui DH, Thu Phan HT, Van Khuu N, Hong Ngo HT, Dang DA, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Pham TH

Awareness and willingness to use HIV self-testing among people who inject drugs in Iran.

Harm reduction journal

Khezri M, Goldmann E, Tavakoli F, Karamouzian M, Shokoohi M, Mehmandoost S, Ghalekhani N, Haghdoost AA, Des Jarlais D, Mirzazadeh A, Sharifi H

Complementary and alternative medicine use among people living with HIV in Shiraz, Southern Iran.

Frontiers in public health

Mosavat SH, Pasalar M, Joulaei H, Ameli V, Heydari ST, Mirzazadeh A, Hashempur MH

Disparities in Mortality Trends for Infants of Teenagers: 1996 to 2019.


Woodall AM, Driscoll AK, Mirzazadeh A, Branum AM

Barriers and gaps in tuberculosis care and treatment in Iran: A multi-center qualitative study.

Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases

Rahmati S, Nasehi M, Bahrampour A, Mirzazadeh A, Shahesmaeili A

Explainable synthetic image generation to improve risk assessment of rare pediatric heart transplant rejection.

Journal of biomedical informatics

Giuste FO, Sequeira R, Keerthipati V, Lais P, Mirzazadeh A, Mohseni A, Zhu Y, Shi W, Marteau B, Zhong Y, Tong L, Das B, Shehata B, Deshpande S, Wang MD

HIV Continuum of Care Among People Who Inject Drugs in Iran, a Cross-Sectional Study.

The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC

Ghalekhani N, Mirzazadeh A, Tavakoli F, Mousavian G, Khezri M, Zamani O, Mehmandoost S, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H

Hepatitis C virus prevalence, determinants, and cascade of care among people who inject drugs in Iran.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Khezri M, Mirzazadeh A, Shokoohi M, Sharafi H, Ghalekhani N, Tavakoli F, Mehmandoost S, Mousavian G, Imani M, Kakavand-Ghalehnoei R, Komasi A, Gouya MM, Haghdoost AA, McFarland W, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H

Sexualized Substance Use among Female Sex Workers in Iran: Findings from a Nationwide Survey.

Substance use & misuse

Mehmandoost S, Sharifi H, Shokoohi M, Khezri M, Mirzazadeh A, Shahesmaeili A, Gahlekhani N, Kamali K, Haghdoost AA, Karamouzian M

Characterizing people who inject drugs with no history of opioid agonist therapy uptake in Iran: Results from a national bio-behavioural surveillance survey in 2020.

International journal of mental health and addiction

Mehrabi F, Mehmandoost S, Mirzazadeh A, Noroozi A, Tavakoli F, Mirzaei H, Khezri M, Mousavian G, Ghalekhani N, Kazerooni PA, Navaiian F, Farajzadeh Z, Shokoohi M, Sharifi H, Karamouzian M

Obesity Mediates the Effect of Past and Current Mental Health on Diabetes Treatment Outcomes.

Iranian journal of public health

Amini F, Khajevand Khoshli A, Asadi J, Bahar A, Najafipour H, Mirzazadeh A

Excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran.

Infectious diseases (London, England)

Ahmadi Gohari M, Chegeni M, Haghdoost AA, Mirzaee F, White L, Kostoulas P, Mirzazadeh A, Karamouzian M, Jahani Y, Sharifi H

Population Size Estimation of People Who Use Illicit Drugs and Alcohol in Iran (2015-2016).

International journal of health policy and management

Rastegari A, Baneshi MR, Hajebi A, Noroozi A, Karamouzian M, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A, Khojasteh Bojnourdi T, Nasiri N, Haji Maghsoudi S, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H

HIV prevalence and continuum of care among incarcerated people in Iran from 2010 to 2017.

Harm reduction journal

Shahesmaeili A, Karamouzian M, Tavakoli F, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Amirzadeh Googhari S, Ghalekhani N, Khajehkazemi R, Abdolahinia Z, Fahimfar N, Haghdoost A, Sharifi H

Prevalence, Incidence and Health Impacts of Sleep Disorders on Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors: Results of a Community-Based Cohort Study (KERCADRS).

Iranian journal of psychiatry

Najafipour H, Sabahi A, Khoramipour K, Shojaei Shahrokhabad M, Banivaheb G, Shadkam M, Mirzazadeh A

Trends in malaria indicators after scale-up of community-based malaria management in Afghanistan.

Malaria journal

Mahmoodi SD, Atarud AA, Sediqi AW, Gallalee S, McFarland W, Aynie TB, Nahzat MS, Hamid H, Qader GQ, Tamim MS, Mirzazadeh A

Statistical Inference of COVID-19 Outbreak: Delay Distribution Effect in EQIR Modeling of Epidemic.

Journal of medical signals and sensors

Tajmirriahi M, Amini Z, Kafieh R, Rabbani H, Mirzazadeh A, Javanmard SH

Epidemiology and spatial distribution of people diagnosed with HIV between 1997 and 2020 in Kerman, Iran.

Sexually transmitted infections

Mirzaei H, Mirzazadeh A, Barouni M, Ranjbar E, Eybpoosh S, Sharifi H

Interventions to reengage people living with HIV who are lost to follow-up from HIV treatment programs: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PLoS medicine

Mirzazadeh A, Eshun-Wilson I, Thompson RR, Bonyani A, Kahn JG, Baral SD, Schwartz S, Rutherford G, Geng EH

Estimating COVID-19-Related Infections, Deaths, and Hospitalizations in Iran Under Different Physical Distancing and Isolation Scenarios.

International journal of health policy and management

Sharifi H, Jahani Y, Mirzazadeh A, Ahmadi Gohari M, Nakhaeizadeh M, Shokoohi M, Eybpoosh S, Tohidinik HR, Mostafavi E, Khalili D, Hashemi Nazari SS, Karamouzian M, Haghdoost AA

HIV Prevalence and Related Behaviors Among People Who Inject Drugs in Iran from 2010 to 2020.

AIDS and behavior

Khezri M, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A, Tavakoli F, Ghalekhani N, Mousavian G, Mehmandoost S, Kazerooni PA, Haghdoost AA, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H

Mapping and population size estimates of people who inject drugs in Afghanistan in 2019: Synthesis of multiple methods.

PloS one

Rasheed A, Sharifi H, Wesson P, Pashtoon SJ, Tavakoli F, Ghalekhani N, Haghdoost AA, Atarud A, Banehsi MR, Hamdard N, Sadaat SI, McFarland W, Mirzazadeh A

An on-site community-based model for hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment among people who inject drugs in Kerman, Iran: The Rostam study.

The International journal on drug policy

Mirzazadeh A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Shahesmaeili A, Sharafi H, Shafiei M, Zarei J, Mousavian G, Tavakoli F, Ghalekhani N, Shokoohi M, Khezri M, Mehmandoost S, Shojaei MR, Karamouzian M, Briceno A, Morris MD, Alavian SM, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H, Page KA

Gaps in the continuum of care among people living with HIV in Afghanistan.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Harooni MZ, Atarud AA, Ehsan E, Alokozai A, McFarland W, Mirzazadeh A

Hepatitis C mortality trends in San Francisco: can we reach elimination targets?

Annals of epidemiology

Mirzazadeh A, Facente SN, Burk K, Kahn JG, Morris MD, End Hep C SF

Prevalence and 5-year incidence rate of dyslipidemia and its association with other coronary artery disease risk factors in Iran: Results of the Kerman coronary artery disease risk factors study (Phase 2).

Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Najafipour H, Yousefzadeh G, Baneshi MR, Gohari MA, Shahouzehi B, Farokhi MS, Mirzazadeh A

Epidemiological update on prevalence and incidence of overweight and obesity in adults in the south-east of the Islamic Republic of Iran: findings from the Kerman Coronary Artery Diseases Risk Factors Study (KERCADRS).

Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit

Najafipour H, Bagheri M, Saberi S, Farokhi M, Amirzadeh R, Mirzazadeh A

Social Support Associated with Condom Use Behavior Among Female Sex Workers in Iran.

International journal of behavioral medicine

Jorjoran Shushtari Z, Mirzazadeh A, SeyedAlinaghi S, Hosseini SA, Sajjadi H, Salimi Y, Snijders TAB

The global and regional prevalence of hepatitis C and B co-infections among prisoners living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Infectious diseases of poverty

Ahmadi Gharaei H, Fararouei M, Mirzazadeh A, Sharifnia G, Rohani-Rasaf M, Bastam D, Rahimi J, Kouhestani M, Rezaian S, Dianatinasab M

Trends in the prevalence and incidence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in Iran: findings from KERCADRS.

Family medicine and community health

Najafipour H, Shahrokhabadi MS, Banivaheb G, Sabahi A, Shadkam M, Mirzazadeh A

Cascade of care in people living with HIV in Iran in 2019; how far to reach UNAIDS/WHO targets.

AIDS care

Farhoudi B, Ghalekhani N, Afsar Kazerooni P, Namdari Tabar H, Tayeri K, Gouya MM, SeyedAlinaghi S, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A, Sharifi H

Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Violence Experienced by Female Sex Workers in Iran: Results from a National HIV Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey.

Violence against women

Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Mirzazadeh A, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H, Khajehkazemi R, Haghdoost AA, Shokoohi M

Automated, multiparametric monitoring of respiratory biomarkers and vital signs in clinical and home settings for COVID-19 patients.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Ni X, Ouyang W, Jeong H, Kim JT, Tzaveils A, Mirzazadeh A, Wu C, Lee JY, Keller M, Mummidisetty CK, Patel M, Shawen N, Huang J, Chen H, Ravi S, Chang JK, Lee K, Wu Y, Lie F, Kang YJ, Kim JU, Chamorro LP, Banks AR, Bharat A, Jayaraman A, Xu S, Rogers JA

Sex out of marriage and condom use among homeless youth in Iran.

Public health

Mehmandoost S, Mirzazadeh A, Zarei J, Iranpour A, Mousavian G, Khezri M, Ardalan G, Shahesmaeili A, Sharifi H

Progress toward closing gaps in the hepatitis C virus cascade of care for people who inject drugs in San Francisco.

PloS one

Mirzazadeh A, Chen YH, Lin J, Burk K, Wilson EC, Miller D, Veloso D, McFarland W, Morris MD

Proportion and reasons for loss to follow-up in a cohort study of people who inject drugs to measure HIV and HCV incidence in Kerman, Iran.

Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy

Mousavian G, Ghalekhani N, Tavakoli F, McFarland W, Shahesmaeili A, Sharafi H, Khezri M, Mehmandoost S, Zarei J, Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A

State-level prevalence estimates of latent tuberculosis infection in the United States by medical risk factors, demographic characteristics and nativity.

PloS one

Mirzazadeh A, Kahn JG, Haddad MB, Hill AN, Marks SM, Readhead A, Barry PM, Flood J, Mermin JH, Shete PB

Lifetime and past-month substance use and injection among street-based female sex workers in Iran.

Harm reduction journal

Roshanfekr P, Khezri M, Karimi SE, Vameghi M, Ali D, Ahmadi S, Ahounbar E, Mahzari K, Roshanpajouh M, Noroozi M, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A

HIV in Iran: onset, responses, and future directions.

AIDS (London, England)

SeyedAlinaghi S, Taj L, Mazaheri-Tehrani E, Ahsani-Nasab S, Abedinzadeh N, McFarland W, Mohraz M, Mirzazadeh A

Data Smoothing, Extrapolation, and Triangulation.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Mirzazadeh A, Baneshi MR

Estimating the Size of Hidden Groups.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Baneshi MR, Zolala F, Haji-Maghsoudi S, Zamanian M, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A

Methods to Estimate the Average Social Network Size.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Baneshi MR, Haji-Maghsoudi S, Rastegari A, Mirzazadeh A

Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic in context: an international participatory approach.

BMJ global health

Aguas R, White L, Hupert N, Shretta R, Pan-Ngum W, Celhay O, Moldokmatova A, Arifi F, Mirzazadeh A, Sharifi H, Adib K, Sahak MN, Franco C, Coutinho R, CoMo Consortium

Unsafe Injection Is Associated with Higher HIV Testing after Bayesian Adjustment for Unmeasured Confounding.

Archives of Iranian medicine

Navadeh S, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Coffin P, Chehrazi M, Mohammad K, Nazemipour M, Mansournia MA, McCandless LC, Page K

Induced abortion and associated factors among female sex workers in Iran.

The European journal of contraception & reproductive health care : the official journal of the European Society of Contraception

Khezri M, Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Mirzazadeh A, Ghalekhani N, Gholamypour Z, Valipour A, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H

Gender difference in all-cause mortality of people living with HIV in Iran: findings from a 20-year cohort study.

HIV medicine

Gheibi Z, Dianatinasab M, Haghparast A, Mirzazadeh A, Fararouei M

COVID-19 and Social Distancing: A Pandemic of Advanced Diseases Is at Birth.

Archives of Iranian medicine

Molavi Vardanjani H, Mirzazadeh A, Mahmoudi-Nezhad G

Barriers and motivators to participation and retention in HIV/HCV cohort studies among people who inject drugs: a community consultation in Iran.

Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy

Mirzazadeh A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Shahesmaeili A, Bahramnejad A, Barshan A, Mousavian G, Najafi E, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Briceno A, McFarland W, Page K

HIV prevention cascades for injection and sexual risk behaviors among HIV-negative people who inject drug in Iran.

The International journal on drug policy

Gangi MF, Karamouzian M, Nedjat S, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Yazdani K, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A

Opioid agonist therapy uptake among people who inject drugs: the findings of two consecutive bio-behavioral surveillance surveys in Iran.

Harm reduction journal

Nakhaeizadeh M, Abdolahinia Z, Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost AA, Shokoohi M, Baral S, Karamouzian M, Shahesmaeili A

Estimation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Burden and Potential for International Dissemination of Infection From Iran.

Annals of internal medicine

Sharifi H, Karamouzian M, Khorrami Z, Khalili M, Mostafavi E, Eybpoosh S, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost AA

Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Epidemiology and infection

Khalili M, Karamouzian M, Nasiri N, Javadi S, Mirzazadeh A, Sharifi H

Prevalence and correlates of initiating injection drug use before the age of 18 years in Iran: results of a national survey.

Journal of addictive diseases

Tavakoli F, Aghaee S, Sharifi H, Esmaeili A, Haghdoost AA, McFarland W, Mirzazadeh A

Social and structural determinants of health associated with drug use patterns among female sex workers in Iran: A latent class analysis.

The International journal on drug policy

Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Dolan K, Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A

Early sex work initiation and its association with condomless sex and sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Iran.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Khezri M, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H, Haghdoost A, Baral SD

HIV and risk behaviors among visitors of inmates at the Great Tehran Prison, Iran, 2018.

The open AIDS journal

Najafi Z, Shekarbeigi S, Koochak HE, Farhoudi B, SeyedAlinaghi S, Mirzazadeh A

Clinical display, diagnostics and genetic implication of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences

Forouzesh M, Rahimi A, Valizadeh R, Dadashzadeh N, Mirzazadeh A

The Prevalence and 5-Year Incidence Rate of Low Physical Activity in an Urban Population of 10,000 in Southeastern Iran: Relationship With Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors.

Journal of physical activity & health

Najafipour H, Kahnooji M, Baneshi MR, Yeganeh M, Ahmadi Gohari M, Shadkam Farokhi M, Mirzazadeh A

Understanding the Reasons for Sharing Syringes or Needles to Inject Drugs: Conventional Content Analysis.

Addiction & health

Faghir-Gangi M, Rastad H, Nejat S, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Yazdani K, Mirzazadeh A

Drug resistance patterns in HIV patients with virologic failure in Iran.

Archives of clinical infectious diseases

Alinaghi SAS, Rasoolinejad M, Najafi Z, Dadras O, Malekianzadeh E, Mirzazadeh A

Declining trends in HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Iran could be attributable to reduced drug injection: a cross-sectional study.

Sexually transmitted infections

Mirzazadeh A, Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Ashki H, Khajehkazemi R, Salari A, Abedinzadeh N, Nadji SA, Sharifi H, Kazerooni PA, Mohraz M, Haghdoost AA

Software Application Profile: The Anchored Multiplier calculator-a Bayesian tool to synthesize population size estimates.

International journal of epidemiology

Wesson PD, McFarland W, Qin CC, Mirzazadeh A

HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Female Sex Workers in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Archives of sexual behavior

Karamouzian M, Nasirian M, Ghaffari Hoseini S, Mirzazadeh A

The HIV treatment cascade in people living with HIV in Iran in 2014: Mixed-method study to measure losses and reasons.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Ghalehkhani N, Farhoudi B, Gouya MM, Sharifi H, SeyedAlinaghi S, Kamali K, Fahimfar N, Rajabpour Z, Doosti-Irani A, Sedaghat A, Mirzazadeh A

Population Size Estimates of Street Children in Iran: Synthesis of Multiple Methods.

Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine

Vameghi M, Roshanfekr P, Ali D, Noroozi M, Madani S, McFarland W, Mirzazadeh A

Dual Unsafe Injection and Sexual Behaviors for HIV Infection Among People Who Inject Drugs in Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Esmaeili A, Shokoohi M, Danesh A, Sharifi H, Karamouzian M, Haghdoost A, Shahesmaeili A, Akbarpour S, Morris MD, Mirzazadeh A

HIV continues to spread among men who have sex with men in Georgia; time for action.

PloS one

Mirzazadeh A, Noori A, Shengelia N, Chikovani I

Estimating the Population Size of Female Sex Workers in Namibia Using a Respondent-Driven Sampling Adjustment to the Reverse Tracking Method: A Novel Approach.

JMIR public health and surveillance

Wesson PD, Adhikary R, Jonas A, Gerndt K, Mirzazadeh A, Katuta F, Maher A, Banda K, Mutenda N, McFarland W, Lowrance D, Prybylski D, Patel S

Treatment cascade for hepatitis C virus in young adult people who inject drugs in San Francisco: Low number treated.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Morris MD, Mirzazadeh A, Evans JL, Briceno A, Coffin P, Hahn JA, Page KA

Estimation of HIV incidence and its trend in three key populations in Iran.

PloS one

Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A, Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Khajehkazemi R, Navadeh S, Fahimfar N, Danesh A, Osooli M, McFarland W, Gouya MM, Haghdoost AA

Condom Use and its Associated Factors Among Iranian Youth: Results From a Population-Based Study.

International journal of health policy and management

Hosseini Hooshyar S, Karamouzian M, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H, Shokoohi M

A Bayesian approach to synthesize estimates of the size of hidden populations: the Anchored Multiplier.

International journal of epidemiology

Wesson PD, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W

Drug use patterns and associated factors among female sex workers in Iran.

Addictive behaviors

Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Bauer GR, Sharifi H, Hosseini Hooshyar S, Mirzazadeh A

A review of methods to estimate the visibility factor for bias correction in network scale-up studies.

Epidemiology and health

Haghdoost A, Ahmadi Gohari M, Mirzazadeh A, Zolala F, Baneshi MR

Correction: Estimated hepatitis C prevalence and key population sizes in San Francisco: A foundation for elimination.

PloS one

Facente SN, Grebe E, Burk K, Morris MD, Murphy EL, Mirzazadeh A, Smith AA, Sanchez MA, Evans JL, Nishimura A, Raymond HF, End Hep C SF

Symptom-Based Versus Laboratory-Based Diagnosis of Five Sexually Transmitted Infections in Female Sex Workers in Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Shahesmaeili A, Karamouzian M, Shokoohi M, Kamali K, Fahimfar N, Nadji SA, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A

Syringe Sharing in Drug Injecting Dyads: A Cross-Classified Multilevel Analysis of Social Networks.

AIDS and behavior

Shahesmaeili A, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Soori H

Do School-Based Programs Prevent HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research

Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, Viitanen A, Horvath H, Wang LY, Dunville R, Barrios LC, Kahn JG, Marseille E

Effectiveness of School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs in the USA: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research

Marseille E, Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, P Miller A, Horvath H, Lightfoot M, Malekinejad M, Kahn JG

Self-Reported and Network Scale-Up Estimates of Substance Use Prevalence among University Students in Kerman, Iran.

Journal of research in health sciences

Zahedi R, Noroozi A, Hajebi A, Haghdoost AA, Baneshi MR, Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A

Estimated hepatitis C prevalence and key population sizes in San Francisco: A foundation for elimination.

PloS one

Facente SN, Grebe E, Burk K, Morris MD, Murphy EL, Mirzazadeh A, Smith AA, Sanchez MA, Evans JL, Nishimura A, Raymond HF, End Hep C SF

Continued Transmission of HIV Among Young Adults Who Inject Drugs in San Francisco: Still Room for Improvement.

AIDS and behavior

Mirzazadeh A, Evans JL, Hahn JA, Jain J, Briceno A, Shiboski S, Lum PJ, Bentsen C, Davis G, Shriver K, Dimapasoc M, Stone M, Busch MP, Page K


Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

Kordestani Z, Sanjari M, Safavi M, Mashrouteh M, Asadikaram G, Abadi MFS, Mirzazadeh A

Crystal methamphetamine use and its correlates in women engaged in sex work in a developing country setting.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Carrico AW, Hosseini Hooshyar S, Mirzazadeh A

Underreporting in HIV-related high-risk behaviors: comparing the results of multiple data collection methods in a behavioral survey of prisoners in Iran.

The Prison journal

Mirzazadeh A, Shokoohi M, Navadeh S, Danesh A, Jain J, Sedaghat A, Farnia M, Haghdoost A

The Effect of Female Sex on Hepatitis C Incidence Among People Who Inject Drugs: Results From the International Multicohort InC3 Collaborative.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Esmaeili A, Mirzazadeh A, Morris MD, Hajarizadeh B, Sacks HS, Maher L, Grebely J, Kim AY, Lauer G, Cox AL, Hellard M, Dietze P, Bruneau J, Shoukry NH, Dore GJ, Lloyd AR, Prins M, Page K, InC3 Collaborative

Consistent Condom Use with Paying and Nonpaying Partners among Female Sex Workers in Iran: Findings of a National Biobehavioral Survey.

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

Karamouzian M, Sadeghirad B, Sharifi H, Sedaghat A, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A

Population size estimation of female sex workers in Iran: Synthesis of methods and results.

PloS one

Sharifi H, Karamouzian M, Baneshi MR, Shokoohi M, Haghdoost A, McFarland W, Mirzazadeh A

Remaining Gap in HIV Testing Uptake Among Female Sex Workers in Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Shokoohi M, Noori A, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H, Khajehkazemi R, Fahimfar N, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Kazerooni PA, Mirzazadeh A

Methamphetamine Use among Iranian Youth: A Population-based Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice study.

Substance use & misuse

Sharifi H, Shokoohi M, Ahmad RafieiRad A, Sargolzaie Moghadam M, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A, Karamouzian M

Injection drug use among female sex workers in Iran: Findings from a nationwide bio-behavioural survey.

The International journal on drug policy

Karamouzian M, Mirzazadeh A, Rawat A, Shokoohi M, Haghdoost AA, Sedaghat A, Shahesmaeili A, Sharifi H

Comparing Characteristics of Early-Onset Injection Drug Users to Those With Late-Onset Injection in Kermanshah, Iran.

Substance use & misuse

Jorjoran Shushtari Z, Noroozi A, Mirzazadeh A, Ahounbar E, Hajbi A, Najafi M, Bazrafshan A, Farhadi MH, Farhoudian A, Higgs P, Shahboulagh FM, Waye K, Noroozi M

Patterns of HIV Risks and Related Factors among People Who Inject Drugs in Kermanshah, Iran: A Latent Class Analysis.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A, Noroozi A, Marshall BD, Farhoudian A, Higgs P, Vameghi M, Mohhamadi Shahboulaghi F, Qorbani M, Massah O, Armoon B, Noroozi M

Lifetime Abortion of Female Sex Workers in Iran: Findings of a National Bio-Behavioural Survey In 2010.

PloS one

Karamouzian M, Mirzazadeh A, Shokoohi M, Khajehkazemi R, Sedaghat A, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H

Higher incidence of HCV in females compared to males who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal of viral hepatitis

Esmaeili A, Mirzazadeh A, Carter GM, Esmaeili A, Hajarizadeh B, Sacks HS, Page KA

The effects of alcohol on spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus infection in females versus males.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Tsui JI, Mirzazadeh A, Hahn JA, Maher L, Bruneau J, Grebely J, Hellard M, Kim AY, Shoukry NH, Cox AL, Prins M, Dore GJ, Lauer G, Lloyd AR, Page K

Prevalence of dyslipidemia and its association with other coronary artery disease risk factors among urban population in Southeast of Iran: results of the Kerman coronary artery disease risk factors study (KERCADRS).

Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders

Najafipour H, Shokoohi M, Yousefzadeh G, Sarvar Azimzadeh B, Moshtaghi Kashanian G, Bagheri MM, Mirzazadeh A

HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Young People in Iran: Findings of a National Population-Based Survey in 2013.

PloS one

Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost A, Rafierad AA, Sedaghat A, Sharifi H

Injecting and Sexual Networks and Sociodemographic Factors and Dual HIV Risk among People Who Inject Drugs: A Cross-sectional Study in Kermanshah Province, Iran.

Addiction & health

Noroozi M, Mirzazadeh A, Noroozi A, Sharifi H, Higgs P, Jorjoran-Shushtari Z, Farhoudian A, Fadai F, Mohhamadi-Shahboulaghi F, Armoon B, Hajebi A, Massah O

Using expert opinion to quantify unmeasured confounding bias parameters.

Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique

Navadeh S, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Woolf-King S, Mansournia MA

Low HIV testing rate and its correlates among men who inject drugs in Iran.

The International journal on drug policy

Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Osooli M, Sharifi H, Fahimfar N, Haghdoost A, Zamani O, Mirzazadeh A

Interferon Lambda 4 Genotype Is Associated With Jaundice and Elevated Aminotransferase Levels During Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Findings From the InC3 Collaborative.

Open Forum Infectious Diseases

Page K, Mirzazadeh A, Rice TM, Grebely J, Kim AY, Cox AL, Morris MD, Hellard M, Bruneau J, Shoukry NH, Dore GJ, Maher L, Lloyd AR, Lauer G, Prins M, McGovern BH

Population Size Estimation of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Tbilisi, Georgia; Multiple Methods and Triangulation of Findings.

PloS one

Sulaberidze L, Mirzazadeh A, Chikovani I, Shengelia N, Tsereteli N, Gotsadze G

Correlates of HIV Testing among Female Sex Workers in Iran: Findings of a National Bio-Behavioural Surveillance Survey.

PloS one

Shokoohi M, Karamouzian M, Khajekazemi R, Osooli M, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Kamali K, Mirzazadeh A

Impact of HIV Status Notification on Risk Behaviors among Men Who Inject Drugs in Kermanshah, West of Iran.

Journal of research in health sciences

Noroozi A, Mirzazadeh A, Farhoudian A, Hajebi A, Khankeh HR, Higgs P, Sharifi H, Armoon B, Noroozi M

Prevalence of Active and Passive Smoking among Adult Population: Findings of a Population-Based Survey in Kerman (KERCADRS), Iran.

Addiction & health

Salimzadeh H, Najafipour H, Mirzaiepour F, Navadeh S, Shadkam-Farrokhi M, Mirzazadeh A

The effect of on-site and outreach-based needle and syringe programs in people who inject drugs in Kermanshah, Iran.

The International journal on drug policy

Nazari SS, Noroozi M, Soori H, Noroozi A, Mehrabi Y, Hajebi A, Sharifi H, Higgs P, Mirzazadeh A

Care Seeking Patterns of STIs-Associated Symptoms in Iran: Findings of a Population-Based Survey.

International journal of health policy and management

Nasirian M, Karamouzian M, Kamali K, Nabipour AR, Maghsoodi A, Nikaeen R, Razzaghi AR, Mirzazadeh A, Baneshi MR, Haghdoost AA

Client-Level Coverage of Needle and Syringe Program and High-Risk Injection Behaviors: A Case Study of People Who Inject Drugs in Kermanshah, Iran.

Addiction & health

Noroozi M, Mirzazadeh A, Noroozi A, Mehrabi Y, Hajebi A, Zamani S, Sharifi H, Higgs P, Soori H

Effects of opium consumption on coronary artery disease risk factors and oral health: Results of Kerman Coronary Artery Disease Risk factors Study a population-based survey on 5900 subjects aged 15-75 years.

International journal of preventive medicine

Najafipour H, Masoomi M, Shahesmaeili A, Haghdoost AA, Afshari M, Nasri HR, Kahnooji M, Samadi S, Mirzazadeh A

Hypertension: diagnosis, control status and its predictors in general population aged between 15 and 75 years: a community-based study in southeastern Iran.

International journal of public health

Najafipour H, Nasri HR, Afshari M, Moazenzadeh M, Shokoohi M, Foroud A, Etemad K, Sadeghi B, Mirzazadeh A

Access to harm reduction programs among persons who inject drugs: findings from a respondent-driven sampling survey in Tehran, Iran.

The International journal on drug policy

Rahnama R, Mohraz M, Mirzazadeh A, Rutherford G, McFarland W, Akbari G, Malekinejad M

Acceptability of Global Positioning System technology to survey injecting drug users' movements and social interactions: a pilot study from San Francisco, USA.

Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine

Mirzazadeh A, Grasso M, Johnson K, Briceno A, Navadeh S, McFarland W, Page K

HIV and related risk behaviors among female sex workers in Iran: bias-adjusted estimates from the 2010 National Bio-Behavoral Survey.

AIDS and behavior

Mirzazadeh A, Nedjat S, Navadeh S, Haghdoost A, Mansournia MA, McFarland W, Mohammad K

HIV prevalence and related risk behaviors in men who have sex with men, Yemen 2011.

AIDS and behavior

Mirzazadeh A, Emmanuel F, Gharamah F, Al-Suhaibi AH, Setayesh H, McFarland W, Haghdoost AA

Outcome assessment of a triangular clinic as a harm reduction intervention in Rajaee-Shahr Prison, Iran.

Harm reduction journal

Asl RT, Eshrati B, Dell CA, Taylor K, Afshar P, Kamali M, Mirzazadeh A

HIV trend among Iranian prisoners in 1990s and 2000s; analysis of aggregated data from HIV sentinel sero-surveys.

Harm reduction journal

Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A, Shokoohi M, Sedaghat A, Gouya MM

HIV prevalence and related risk behaviours among female sex workers in Iran: results of the national biobehavioural survey, 2010.

Sexually transmitted infections

Sajadi L, Mirzazadeh A, Navadeh S, Osooli M, Khajehkazemi R, Gouya MM, Fahimfar N, Zamani O, Haghdoost AA

HIV prevalence and related risk behaviours among prisoners in Iran: results of the national biobehavioural survey, 2009.

Sexually transmitted infections

Navadeh S, Mirzazadeh A, Gouya MM, Farnia M, Alasvand R, Haghdoost AA

Meta-analysis of Smoking Prevalence in Iran.

Addiction & health

Moosazadeh M, Ziaaddini H, Mirzazadeh A, Ashrafi-Asgarabad A, Haghdoost AA

Trends of Obesity in Iranian Adults from 1990s to late 2000s; a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Middle East journal of digestive diseases

Mirzazadeh A, Salimzadeh H, Arabi M, Navadeh S, Hajarizadeh B, Haghdoost AA

Bias analysis to improve monitoring an HIV epidemic and its response: approach and application to a survey of female sex workers in Iran.

Journal of epidemiology and community health

Mirzazadeh A, Mansournia MA, Nedjat S, Navadeh S, McFarland W, Haghdoost AA, Mohammad K

Is the rate of CD4 cell decline changing over time in antiretroviral-naïve patients?

AIDS patient care and STDs

Cardeal da Silva D, Casseb J, Mirzazadeh A, Arruda LB, Rutherford GW

HIV, HSV2 and Syphilis Prevalence in Female Sex Workers in Kerman, South-East Iran; Using Respondent-Driven Sampling.

Iranian journal of public health

Navadeh S, Mirzazadeh A, Mousavi L, Haghdoost A, Fahimfar N, Sedaghat A

Regional HIV knowledge hubs: a new approach by the health sector to transform knowledge into practice.

Health promotion international

Mostafavi E, Haghdoost A, Mirzazadeh A, Riedner G, Weis P, Kloss K, Zolala F

Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors in an Urban and Peri-urban Setting, Kerman, Southeastern Iran (KERCADR Study): Methodology and Preliminary Report.

Iranian journal of public health

Najafipour H, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost A, Shadkam M, Afshari M, Moazenzadeh M, Nasri H, Masoomi M, Mirzaiepour F, Azimzadeh BS, Forood A, Bahreini F, Mahmoudi M, Sanjari M, Mohamadi TM, Banivaheb G, Naderi M, Kashanian GM, Afshar RM, Ghazanfari Z, Navadeh S, Esmaeili AS

Malaria Status in Economic Cooperation Countries; Achievement and Gaps toward United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Iranian journal of public health

Holakouie Naieni K, Malekafzali H, Rashidian A, Vazirian P, Moradi G, Mirzazadeh A, Mirmohammadkhani M, Shamshiri A

Research priorities in the field of HIV and AIDS in Iran.

Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Haghdoost A, Sadeghi M, Nasirian M, Mirzazadeh A, Navadeh S

Evaluation of Tuberculosis Situation in Economic Cooperation Countries in 2009; Achievement and Gaps toward Millennium Development Goals.

International journal of preventive medicine

Moradi G, Naieni KH, Rashidian A, Vazirian P, Mirzazadeh A, Vaziri MR, Afzali HM

Knowledge and practice of iranians toward colorectal cancer, and barriers to screening.

International journal of preventive medicine

Salimzadeh H, Delavari A, Montazeri A, Mirzazadeh A

Housewives' obesity determinant factors in iran; national survey - stepwise approach to surveillance.

Iranian journal of public health

Navadeh S, Sajadi L, Mirzazadeh A, Asgari F, Haghazali M

The ability of pulp sensibility tests to evaluate the pulp status in primary teeth.

International journal of paediatric dentistry

Hori A, Poureslami HR, Parirokh M, Mirzazadeh A, Abbott P

Abrupt opium discontinuation has no significant triggering effect on acute myocardial infarction.

Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.)

Masoomi M, Zare J, Nasri H, Mirzazadeh A, Sheikhvatan M

The prevalence of honorary and ghost authorships in Iranian bio-medical journals and its associated factors.

Iranian journal of public health

Mirzazadeh A, Navadeh S, Rokni M, Farhangniya M

Sex differences in potential daily triggers of the onset of acute myocardial infarction: a case-crossover analysis among an Iranian population.

Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.)

Masoomi M, Zare J, Kahnooj M, Mirzazadeh A, Sheikhvatan M

Social disparities in prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Iran: second National Surveillance of Risk Factors of Noncommunicable Diseases, 2006.

Journal of hypertension

Ebrahimi M, Mansournia MA, Haghdoost AA, Abazari A, Alaeddini F, Mirzazadeh A, Yunesian M

A digital stereomicroscopic study of the furcation wall thickness of mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first and second molars.

Iranian endodontic journal

Shahravan A, Rekabi A, Shahabi H, Ashuri R, Mirzazadeh A, Rad M, Haghani J

Opium addiction and severity of coronary artery disease: a case-control study.

Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Masoumi M, Shahesmaeili A, Mirzazadeh A, Tavakoli M, Ali AZ

Related factors to disparity of diabetes care in Iran.

Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research

Mirzazadeh A, Baradaran HR, Haghdoost AA, Salari P

The patterns of antihypertensive drug prescription by cardiologists in Kerman province of Iran, 2006.

Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety

Sepehri G, Talebizadeh N, Mirzazadeh A, Mohsenbeigi M