Health Equity Science Symposium


The symposium, held on November 8, 2021, was created to identify and disseminate some the fundamental concepts related to equity science. Instruction focused on how to define an equity focused science agenda. It included two tracks; track (A) focused on how implementation science can inform the design and evaluation of public health interventions so that they address health disparities and advance health equity science, and track (B) which focused on core components of health equity-informed scientific documentation, including data analysis and scientific writing.

Target audience: CDC staff interested in advancing health equity through health equity science and public health practice, including CDC staff who conduct and publish research and program evaluations as well as program leaders.

After participating in the Health Equity  Science Symposium, learners should be able to:

• Summarize some approaches for  advancing health equity science in  public health 

• Identify some methods for develop  rigorous public health interventions to address health disparities

• Identify some methods for strengthening  their scientific writing to reflect and  translate health equity science into public health impact

Facilitated by the UCSF Pandemic Initiative for Equity and Action (UPIEA) and the UCSF PRISE Center (Partnerships for Research in Implementation Science for Equity Center). Hosted by the CDC Office of Science.